Monday, December 13, 2010


The Palazzo Pubblico, seat of government of the ancient Republic of siena and now the town  hall of the city, has always   been the center of the political life of the city and is associated with the most important happenings  in the history of Siena. The most glorious events, the higest values and the noblest examples are   immortalised in it. Immages next to the divine, both reconciling and threatening, appear on its walls, depicting the most representative characters and moments of an eventful past whose importance surpasses the boundaires of the city. It was the Government of the Nine that decided to build the new seat of political power, a palace that responded  to the growing need of functionality of an oligarchy in continual expansion and to the aesthetic ideals of a political class confident of its role and of its future.
Famous architects were probably not used to build it, but exceptional results were achieved  all the same thanks also to a precise  choice of town planning that involved the palace in the final organisation of that magnificent and disconcerting space called the Campo.
The new building was sited in the point of escape, in other words, where one's eyes automatically turn on entering the square, no matter from what direction.

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